Sunday, July 8, 2012

Other Tools

These tools are more optional, but I highly recommend them if you can afford it.

  • Blender - I love my blender. I was really lucky that my parent's didn't really need theirs, so I get to use it, and it's powerful. I love smoothies and protein shakes, so that's my main use for it, but I also make the occasional lactose-free milkshake.
  • Muffin Tin - Not only for muffins anymore! While I do love making cupcakes and muffins, I also love using my muffin tin to make single serving meatloaf. It's super convenient and delicious. Plus, meatloaf cooks much faster in muffin tins than in one big lump. Be forewarned though, you might want to use muffin liners when you make savory things in a muffin tin, or your roommates might be annoyed with their meatloaf-flavored blueberry muffins. (oops!)
  • KitchenAid Mixer - I am super lucky that I get to use my mom's. These are super expensive, but the greatest mixers I've ever used. I highly recommend them if you have the money or if you find a cheap one at a yard sale or thrift store. (careful if it's used though, sometimes the motor is broken) These are great for baked goods, mashed potatoes, and pizza dough.
  • Steamer - This is a pot with holes in the bottom, that fits into another pot. It's how you steam things like carrots or broccoli. As I was recovering from getting my wisdom teeth pulled, I gained a new appreciation for squishy things, and remembered how much I love steamed veggies. Yum!
  • Garlic Squisher - I should probably learn the real name for this, but if you love garlic as much as I do, you should probably invest in a good one. Finding a good squishier is pretty hard though, because I tend to be very picky about them. If it's not great, it's usually just too annoying for me to use.
  • Waffle Maker - Because who doesn't like waffles?

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