Sunday, July 8, 2012

Katy's Chicken Caesar Salad

One of my favorite summer meals. My mom taught me to make this, and it's fantastic. Also, if you don't want caesar for whatever reason, it's equally as good with any other dressing. (ps: I'm not great at exact measurements, but I'll try to be as helpful as I can)

  • Head of romaine lettuce (3 heads feed about 4 people, 1 head is a little too much for me to finish by myself) [alternative: bag of romaine lettuce]
  • Parmesan cheese; grated or flaked (to taste)
  • Caesar salad dressing (to taste)
  • Rotisserie chicken [alternative: pre-cooked chicken breast strips]
  • Bread (any type; about 2 slices per person) [alternative: croutons. (also replaces oil, garlic, and seasoning)]
  • Olive oil
  • Garlic (a couple cloves)
  • Italian seasoning
  • Large salad bowl
  • Baking sheet
  • Large frying pan/skillet
  • Wooden spoon or spatula
  • Cutting board
  • Knife
  • Garlic squisher (optional)
  1. Remove meat from chicken. This can be gruesome if you don't like messy things/reminders that you're eating a previously living thing. If you can handle it, use either your hands or a fork and knife to remove the meat from the bones. Set the chicken meat aside.
  2. Rinse lettuce. Chop into edible sized pieces. Place in salad bowl. [if you bought a bag of lettuce, just rinse the lettuce and toss it in]
  3. [skip this if you purchased croutons] Turn on oven to high broil. Cut bread into medium-sized cubes. Toss into a pan with several tablespoons of olive oil. Squish or chop garlic and add to pan, along with Italian seasoning. Heat pan over stove, adding more olive oil to lightly coat bread. Stir, and cook until garlic is lightly cooked (or burnt, whatever) and bread is coated with yumyums. Turn off stove, and pour bread chunks onto cookie sheet. Put in oven for 3-5 minutes, until lightly baked.
  4. Add chicken and croutons to salad bowl, followed by dressing and cheese to taste. Use either salad tongs or two wooden spoons to toss salad and serve immediately.

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